High Flow Performance

Program's Origin

It all started with a best selling Book.

And a Dream!


In 1996 I published my second book, In the Age of Intuition (Na Era da Intuição), in Brazil, my native country, where I had co-founded two years prior a training center dedicated to consciousness studies. The training center, intuitiva, was located in São Paulo and was responsible for my long commutes from California, where I lived (and still do).

The book had chapters on quantum physics, neuroscience (describing my research on brain waves in the early 90’s), psychic phenomena, parallel Universes, flow, synchronicities, energy healings and many other cutting edge subjects that were integrated into a simple framework, without mysticism or woo-woo. 

The book opened up a Universe of opportunities, one of them to be a keynote speaker at CONARH, the largest human resources’ conference in Latin America. 

My keynote was a huge success, and my book became the best-seller at the event’s bookstore. As a result, I was invited to speak at several companies after the conference. They were interested to see how it could improve performance and well being in the workplace. I was pioneering the field of consciousness engineering in organizations, a decade before the mindfulness movement started to make inroads in companies.

Meeting Visionaries!


One company in particular impressed me the most: RAYOVAC®, a battery manufacturer. Their Human Resources were light years ahead of other companies I've had worked with, thanks to two true heart centered visionaries- Waldir DeGasperi, director of HR and Francisco Machado, CEO. They were genuinely focused on improving the well being and the quality of life of their workforce, and were interested in my work on intuition and energy management as it was (and still is) based on opening up to the wisdom of the heart.

I saw an opportunity to create an innovative and cutting-edge program never done before in any organization - to offer a training to the workforce in SuperConscious activation using auto racing as a role model. And with me in the cockpit to demonstrate the effectiveness of my teachings and to increase engagement with the program! There was a reason behind the idea…

Shared Passion: Ayrton Senna's Legacy!


Ayrton Senna is a Brazilian sporting hero. He’s considered by his peers across generations being the greatest driver of all times, a 3 time Formula One World Champion who tragically lost his life in 1994. His work ethic is a reference for athletes, business people and politicians alike. He cared about quality, overcoming challenges, raising standards, social issues and bringing people together to do things the best way possible to achieve extraordinary results. And he also had an otherworldly skill - the ability of connecting to what I describe as the SuperConscious where High Flow States are always available. His ability to consistently go beyond "the Zone" was incredible, a result of his drive to win.

I’ve raced Karts with Ayrton as a teenager, although in a different category as he was younger. I had experienced High Flow States back then, where creative impulses took over brain function, allowing me to drive beyond my skill level. I explained how to develop such pre-cognitive ability in my book. Waldir and Francisco got really excited with the idea of a racing team and we started the talks for a sponsorship program having my innovative training at its core.

My Challenge.


My racing experience was limited to one year of an underfunded karting program as a teenager in 1974/75 and to six SCCA Formula Ford races in 1992, where I had three top three finishes. Prior to that I did a couple of races to get my license in 1990. 

I was short on experience but high on self confidence as I was always fast and consistent when I raced. Driving at speed came naturally to me.

The SuperConscious experiences and results I had on a few occasions while driving were enough to validate the potential I had.

The Drive to Win was pulsating within and I knew I could access its frequency..

It is worth mentioning that I had also taught my techniques to top athletes, including a well known race car driver and a sky-diving team, which helped them win their respectives National championships the year before my book was published.

This project was an opportunity of a lifetime, a dream coming true, and I would be living my passions to the fullest. So much to be grateful for!


Making it real!

The project, named TOP PERFORMANCE, was approved after a pilot program we did with a selected group of people representing all levels of the organization. 

The book became the textbook for a year long program sponsored by Rayovac. I was going to facilitate SuperConscious activation to more than 500 employees to show how we can redefine our limits to overcome challenges when we bring our heart and brain into coherence!

In fact, the Brazilian Flag in the shape of a Heart became the symbol for the program. Passion at its best!

After the deal was sealed, I still had the challenge of building a team, embody my own teachings on the racetrack where I had to perform, and relate my process back to the day-to-day of the workplace. A challenge that I embraced wholeheartedly ...

The Training Program

Pre-Cognitive Training


My job as a facilitator was to teach and demonstrate to employees how I was using my energy awareness technology to access the SuperConscious, redefine my limits at the racetrack and bring about a state of high flow performance.

I had to overcome my limitations and outperform my subconscious everytime I was in the cockpit of the racecar, to improve my race craft and speed so I could be more competitive. Racing is all about mental fitness, which can be developed through focusing.

The classes were experiential, not theoretical. And they also proved to be an excellent way to bring together people with eclectic beliefs as they were able to feel safe while being vulnerable sharing their experiences. The exercises allowed them to observe their beliefs from a neutral perspective allowing them to reflect about their origin and appropriateness without judgement.

In fact, this is the beauty of my framework, processes and practices. They are neutral to belief systems as they provide an opportunity to become an observer of them so we can see their impact in our lives without any judgement. It all comes down to our preferences and choices.

The sessions throughout the year allowed people to connect with each other from their Essence, especially from the heart, breaking the barriers about their hierarchical place in the company. This increased communication among all levels of the organization.

The intentional visualization exercises from the system were exactly the same ones I was using to enter into a heightened state of awareness to optimize performance and improve my speed.

The concept of the racing team as a role model proved to be working as intended as it helped me become part of the company, as one of them, which helped me unify people around the vision, mission and values of the organization.

I was able to relate and apply the energy awareness exercises to their everyday challenges at work, which allowed them to give me feedback so I could build trust for the mentoring I was offering.

They loved these energy awareness sessions, which sparked curiosity in their minds and created engagement with the program, and with me. Not to mention how good everybody felt after the sessions!

“Simply put, becoming coherent with your SuperConscious Frequency is the most powerful, effective and enjoyable way to redefine your limits, achieve High Flow Performance and create the life and business that you desire without burning yourself out in the process.”

Cognitive Behavior Training


I created a consciousness engineering system that included pragmatic and science based approaches to intuition development.

After we completed the Energy Awareness part of the program, where people learned the basic tools to get into a space of observation to manage their energy system, access their SuperConscious and create heart-brain coherence, we started using pragmatic tools to ground the information intuitively received.

This part of the program was designed to promote a positive change in behavior.

The racing team provided an excellent model for this part of the program as in racing everything is measured in order to make decisions that will improve performance. KPI's are everything, and intuition and emotional management is equally important as there are many possibilities and alternatives for any given situation and decisions have to made at lightening speeds. 

Using the racing team and my performances as a model, we explored many topics including the importance of getting clear on vision-mission-values, risk management, the difference between setting intentions and goals, the manifestation framework, consistency vs raw speed, team building and many other aspects that wheel-to-wheel competition at speeds over 150 mph can teach you. 

Every time I came to their workplace I left them with homework to do. When I returned for another round of sessions, everyone was really proud about sharing their achievements. It did create a sense of unit and camaraderie among the workforce, breaking down some invisible walls and competition among departments. 

TOP PERFORMANCE was a project that integrated many trainings, but above all, it empowered people to take more responsibility for their lives and to their contribution to the overall goals of the organization.

It created a coherent energy field in the company that was very palpable. Good vibes so to speak.

"By integrating intuitive and pragmatic processes I was able to teach the art of Self Leadership, which is the art of giving our thoughts, feelings and actions more direction, flow and purpose. And this is what being a High Flow CEO is all about."

The Team!

Once the project got the green light I only had a couple of weeks to get everything together. We decided to race the 1997 California Formula Mazda Series, including a few outings on the Pro Series. 

We decided on the challenge of driving a car much more powerful than the one I drove five years before. Top speed exceeded 160 MPH and I was going to compete against very experienced drivers, most of them half my age. The goal was to show how I could progressively improve throughout the season to achieve the best result possible at each race, redefining my limits everytime I was behind the wheel. Game on!

Because most teams were already formed when the deal came through, I had to build my own. It took me a couple of races working with "borrowed" mechanics until I found crew chief Brian Wilson from Impulse Racing to run my program. 

Most drivers and teams had testing days to practice and optimize the set up of the car prior to the start of the season. I didn’t have even a test day in the car before the first race. 

That was a huge disadvantage yet it created the perfect scenario for me to demonstrate how to overcome this challenge and step into high gear sooner than later.

And to add to the challenge, travelling became really intense as I had to race in California and teach in Brazil, in Sao Paulo and Recife (Northeast), where one of the manufacturing plants was located. 

The Racing!


It was a hard fought battle for the title. I was able to finish every race that I started, and that consistency proved to be very valuable. Although at my first race I was running at the back of the pack, I quickly build up my pace and by mid-season I was chasing the points leader.

I had great wheel-to-wheel battles, finishing consistently in the top 3 and was rewarded with one victory for my efforts.

Being in the winner's circle was an amazing experience for me and for everyone at RAYOVAC®. I dedicated the win to Francisco Machado, who lost his life a week prior to this race in a freaky car accident.

Mission accomplished!


After 19 races, as a rookie and with very little prior racing experience, I finished the championship as runner up beating drivers half my age (I was 40 at that time).

And very close to the points leader!

It was a very satisfying project and I also realized a childhood dream by believing in myself since my very first kart race, which by the way I almost won ... but that's another story!

I felt validated in every aspect, from manifesting the project in the first place to seeing results on and off the race track.

We can realize our dreams in many different ways. Opening up the heart to receive the creative impulses coming from the core of our being is key to experience High Flow Performance!

When in High Flow Performance we enjoy well being and prosperity and help others do the same because our energy is coherent with the people we serve and the money exchanged. And as we experience life from a High Flow state, we thrive! 

The Drive to Win!


Since the groundbreaking project with RAYOVACĀ®, a lot has evolved in my teachings as a result of the life experiences I had since then.Ā 

I was able to synthesize my workĀ into transformational online courses that are used as textbooks in my current programs, including the High Flow Performance Mentoring Program, a 12 week online group process where I lead people into becoming the High Flow CEOs of their life and business.

The Drive To Win frequency is where desire meets focus, confidence, discipline and resilience. Itā€™s the frequency of passion, where an intense desire drives the action.

When you embody this frequency, anything becomes possible!