Core Interactions Theory
An Elegant Framework that Changes Everything ...
Miguel Franco, founder of Conscious Path, LLC, elaborated an elegant framework, Core Interactions Theory, that delves deeply into the nature of consciousness and provides powerful perspectives on how it arises and manifests in physical form. It also offers processes and practices to raise consciousness to higher frequencies so it can become coherent with what he describes as the SuperConscious, our non-physical aspect that vibrates in the Quantum Field.
When this happens, High Flow States become available and transformation naturally happens from the Core of who we really are. We create life from a state of ABUNDANCE as we experience being whole and complete in the present moment.
Core Interactions Theory follows the scientific model. It integrates concepts and applications from quantum mechanics, neurobiology, positive psychology, sports performance, business models and consciousness studies.
It pulls together observations, laws, hypotheses and inferences to describe our perceived realities and who we really are. The theory is based on the premise of a Universe that is self-organizing and co-evolutionary, and its creative intelligence is within every cell of our body manifesting through us. As a theory, it is neutral to philosophies and traditions.
In a nutshell, Core Interactions is the exchange between Core Energy, or the energy that gave birth to our Universe, with our Essence, or individual self.
This exchange takes place as our Essence interacts with our environments and circumstances.
It creates intention and attention, drives our behavior and shapes our experiences.
This interaction creates energy streams, which we can consciously manage and transform with our thoughts, feelings and actions, giving our lives more direction, flow and purpose.
And this is what being a High Flow CEO is all about.
Intention creates meaning. Attention gives form. Behavior produces results. And Experience is Consciousness, it is the lifeforce flowing through us as thoughts and feelings, as vibrational patterns.
The theory validates a Universe that evolves in collaborative partnership with every element in it. Core Energy manifests, evolves and transforms through our Essence in a co-creative process with everything else in the Universe. This process becomes dependent on the vibrational coherence between all parts.
The Ego Structure
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Max Planck
Among the many models, or perspectives, that Core Interactions Theory provides, arguably the Ego Structure is of high importance as it sheds a new light on a subject that has been misunderstood for a long time, causing all kinds of inner and outer conflicts.
In Core Interactions Theory, the communication between our SuperConscious Mind and our body creates our unique vibrational blueprint in the Universe, or our Essence.
This communication takes place through a bio-energetic interface that I call the Ego Structure, which is formed by the vibrational fields of our personality, belief systems, identities and bio-chemistry.
When this communication is coherent, our Ego operates in a healthy state. When incoherent, we experience life through an unhealthy Ego.
These vibrational fields are by-products of our interactions with our environments and circumstances and create our conditioning, which can be healthy or unhealthy leading to coherent or incoherent Experiences.
The concept of the Ego Structure differs from the interpretations of most traditions and psychology as it is based on the perspective that we live in a vibrational Universe, therefore the Ego Structure is a symphony of frequencies that vibrate in a spectrum, which can be coherent or incoherent.
The Ego Structure through the eyes of a clinical psychotherapist.
By Andy Bellamy

An Elegant Framework!
The beauty of Core Interactions Theory is in its simplicity. It offers many easy to understand models that not only makes sense to pragmatic and intuitive individuals alike, but also each model contains its unique set of processes and practices that make manifestations of our Core Intentions easy to occur.
The SuperConscious Model explains how our pre-cognitive skills can override subconscious programming and rewire our brain with the frequency of creative impulses from our Core Intentions.
The High Flow Performance Matrix® helps anyone identify and change the energy state from which they manifest their realities, and raise their frequency to High Flow States.
The Core Intentions Blueprint Framework goes deeper into the manifestation process and helps create a vibrational structure for your dreams so you can become coherent with the life you are dreaming about. It works as a precursor to goal setting.
There are many other models in the system, each with their own powerful transformational processes. You can find many of them in The Drive To Win ebook, including the Ego Structure.
A framework that brings Coherence to all belief systems, so they can peacefully co-exist to allow the emergence of a Planet that works for everyone!
Listen to what they have to say:
Andy Bellamy
Andy, a psychotherapist with over 30 years of immersion in wisdom traditions and metaphysics, shares how Core Interactions Theory can promote the integration of different spiritual paths, which can bring more peace and harmony to the Planet. He also shares how his clinical practice was transformed by applying the tools and frameworks of Miguel’s system. Through flow and coherence, he was able to engage more intentionally with life, improve the relationship with his own Self and facilitate deeper transformations for his clients.
Liz D.
Liz, a yogini and bodyworker, and with an extensive background on bible studies, wisdom traditions and plant medicine, shares how she appreciated Miguel’s pragmatic approach to achieve flow states, and the beauty and efficiency of the system to promote a state of deep Love. She relates the process as to people having religious experiences, and how this technology can transcend dogma and mysticism to bring people with different belief systems together through the power of unconditional Love and Flow.
An Evolutionary Process
According to Core Interactions Theory, life is the interaction of energy-information which coalesces into patterns through intention and manifests, for us humans, through thoughts, feelings and actions. According to science, energy-information is the essence of the Universe we live in, where interactions start at subatomic levels.
By understanding how we perceive, experience and process the interactions of energy-information, we can consciously manage our life processes, giving them purpose, direction and form, allowing us to ultimately experience life from a state of wholeness.
Miguel Franco’s methodology clarifies how these processes take place and offers practical solutions on how to manage them.
Core Interactions Theory also shows how our worldviews, or how we perceive reality, are transient. Worldviews are assumptions that create our life stories. They range from our state of health, financial and social status to relationships and sexual preferences. From religious and political views to moral standards, laws, rituals and social behaviors. From educational systems to careers and business models, from struggle to thriving, etc...
Through Core Interactions Theory we can observe how our sense of self, or Ego, is built through our worldviews, and how we can consciously change them to create new ways to interact with the energy-information of the Universe. This observer/observed model requires that we become neutral, or let go of judgement and attachment to choose a path that is more appropriate for us in the present.
As we consciously experience the results of our choices we can learn from our experiences, get back into the observer mode and evolve into new choices, processes and worldviews. As we evolve, we redefine, or recalibrate our Ego with the frequency of our SuperConscious, which triggers new life experiences. Growth comes from riding the waves created by our new realities and stepping into the unknown, into new possibilities. And what an exciting ride that can be!
This model shows that if we can intentionally create shifts in Consciousness to stay coherent with our SuperConscious and Core Intentions, the power to change our individual destiny and the destiny of mankind is in our hands as our future emerges from our current choices.
Our choices are dependent on the vibrational coherence between the thought-feeling patterns of our experiences in our physical reality with the frequency of our Core Intentions from the SuperConscious.
The power of Core Interactions Theory is in its simplicity. It allows for a new understanding of how life emerges as a result of our states of consciousness and the choice we make accordingly.
With this understanding, the theory provides possibilities where every perspective, or point of view, can peacefully co-exist with others so as species we can create a planet that works for everyone.
It is very empowering to know something so simple yet so transformative.
“Simply put, becoming coherent with your SuperConscious Frequency is the most advanced, powerful, effective and enjoyable way to manifest your dreams without burning yourself out in the process.”
Miguel Franco